Saturday, July 29, 2006

'29jul06speechday- ^^ ^^ ^^ heh. only problem is, iv got no where to put it ): haha

'29jul06speechday- ^^ HEH

'29jul06speechday- heh

'29jul06speechday- carol cas gin eunz chris ali

'29jul06speechday- carol cas gin eunz chris ali

'29jul06speechday- carol cas gin eunz chris ali

29jul06speechday- heh. can see?

29jul06speechday- ^^

29jul06speechday- colours! cas chris gin ali eunz

29jul06speechday- just PRETEND they're lighted will you! tskk. lol

29jul06speechday- SPAS LAH

29jul06speechday- gin n her lovely cake (; bought by ME!! hoho. xD

29jul06speechday- HAPPY BIRTHDAY GINETTE!!!! <3

29jul06speechday- gin me

29jul06speechday- gin me

29jul06speechday- colour awardeeee-s mich yhui eunz wting liling

29jul06speechday- chris gin ali cas (:

29jul06speechday- LAM


29jul06speechday- makeup

29jul06speechday- make up

29jul06speechday- make up

29jul06speechday- preetay (:

29jul06speechday- make up

29jul06speechday- lol

29jul06speechday- make up

29jul06speechday- make up

29jul06speechday- make up


29jul06speechday- lol.




27jul06- [chidanceprac]

27jul06- [chidanceprac] last pose

27jul06- [chidanceprac] last pose

27jul06- [chidanceprac] last pose

27jul06- [chidanceprac]

27jul06- [chidanceprac] ~whee

27jul06- [chidanceprac] wheee~ my sister says it looks like grass, then she said that she never said grass dsnt look nice when i whacked her. -_-

27jul06- [chidanceprac] whee~

27jul06- [chidanceprac] I LIKE THIS PART ^^ hurhur

27jul06- [chidanceprac]

27jul06- [chidanceprac]

27jul06- [chidanceprac] ^^

27jul06- [chidanceprac] SO CUTE! x))

27jul06- [chidanceprac]

27jul06- [chidanceprac]

27jul06- [chidanceprac] jihe-ing

27jul06- [chidanceprac] jihe-ing